Saturday 28 January 2012

Hi, I'm Will, and I'm a blogoholic.

I've heard the first step is admitting you have a problem.

It started in... 2002? Maybe? Wow, now I think about it, that's 10 goddamned years ago. No, I'm serious. I had just turned 14 and I was playing with a website called Angelfire, because my friend made a website and I wanted one too.

The result was Willz World, my very first 'blog' of sorts. I wrote it after school, when I was probably meant to be writing my homework, and I started toying with basic code like HTML to get pictures and links to work. Facebook was but a twinkle in wee Mark Zuckerberg's eye at this point of course, and there was no YouTube videos explaining how to do it (truly, 2002 twas a simpler time), but I managed to get this monstrosity up and running, complete with acid-trip background and more animated GIFs, incorrect formatting, garbled SMS-speak (dun, coz, and 2day to name but three) and narcissistic pre-teen rambling than you could shake a mouse cursor at.

I look back on it now and cringe. I know I've opened a can of worms by posting it here, in my shiny and clean new blog. If anyone even reads blogs now. Especially because it contains embarrassing things, like well, you know, my 14-year old innermost hopes and dreams. Also awesome pictures of me like this

It's possible that posting stuff like this in 2012 could lead to me being bitten on the ass. Especially with the simply astonishing level of social connectivity we have nowadays. This was my site, the first of my addictions to exposing my internal ramblings and favourite things to the great unwashed on the other side of the internet. I look back at it now and sure, I may cringe, but for every "Oh my lord, did I really write/post/look like that?" there is also a whole lot of laughing at my teenage self, or reading my guestbook and smiling at how very little my friends have changed in ten years. Or indeed, how little I have in some ways.

My news section was a travesty. It looks like something someone would puke up at DEFQON1. But it was the first part of my site that was actually a real blog, before the word 'blog' even existed. (Have you noticed I like saying blog?) It was the start of my real problem. I couldn't stop writing and updating and posting. I had to work to get my friends to click my page, (by telling them at school and showing it to them at the library), but they did and they seemed to like it and I was hooked. There's not many people to talk to in Werris Creek, NSW, so I decided to just talk to the whole Internet.

Ok, so fast forward to now. I'd like to welcome you all to my new blog, Willskis Writes Things. I suppose if this was my intro in 2002,

Willz Story begins a while back. As a young boy, he was forever eating, drinking, sleeping, whinging and playing (little rascal). He is still technically just a child now being only 14. But due to *cough* his enormous brain, he was.... smarter than everybody! Well mostly. Probably. Probably not. Kind of. Definitely... well he was actually very dumb. He enjoyed being a clown though and trying to make people laugh. To this day, he has almost achieved that-once. Will enjoys trying to play his guitar, hanging out with his 'friends' (paid actors) and typing about himself in the misinformed view that someone is even going to read about him in his life time. Yup that's all about will..... thanks for reading.

then I had better catch you up on who I am, what has happened in ten years, what I do now and why I'm writing yet another blog. I've grown up a little, I've lost my penchant for replacing the letter 'S' with 'Z', I still act like a clown, I've realised I'm not smarter than everybody (just most everybody) and I made someone laugh in 2005. I think. It might have been a sneeze.

Apart from that, I suppose my constant keyboard-jockeying and writing until I couldn't write anymore paid off, because I'm now a professional writer, editor, and journalist. Or to put that in another more accurate way, I'm a professional writer, editor, and journalist who is looking for work. Gotta love writing to pay the bills.

In the last ten years, like I said, I've been a blogoholic. Before anyone had heard of Myspace, facebook, Twitter, reddit, tumblr, and the like, I was spilling my narcissistic nothingness into the gaping chasm of the Internet before it was cool. I made several online journals when I felt I had matured beyond WillzWorld's wacky style (I now realised I still haven't and probably never will).

I even got my last job at the Daily Telegraph because of a poker blog that I wrote for shits and giggles during university caught the eye of a keen poker enthusiast who worked there, and I got my foot in the door. Nowadays, I haven't written blogs for a year, only a private journal on my laptop and I just tweet and update my status and go about my day. Retweets, facebook comments and 'likes' give me all the self esteem and positive reinforcement no father could provide.

This blog, I truly hope, will be my last. I want to continue it throughout my adult life. I want to write again, just write for the hell of it, write and write and hope someone reads but realistically, not even care if they don't. This is the last of my posts that will be talking exclusively about me. I've done a lot of growing, thinking, changing and learning over the last few years. For better or worse, you decide. I'm baring my soul to the Internet once again, usually while I have insomnia, and as always, I hope you enjoy reading it. I'm going to post articles about things in current events, things I want to discuss with the world, and things that I think are funny. I want to talk about things and write articles the way I want to write them. I want people to talk about what I write and write things back to me. I want to create and learn and grow and have fun, just like most people. I pledge never to whine or bitch about my life in my blog. I want to write things that go against the norm, and I want to blow people's minds. I want to write paragraphs that are so large and text-wall-ish that only the most die hard readers who want to get an insight into my little mind will get to the bottom of them in the desperate hope that they have a point, or at the very least a joke. I want to surprise and captivate the people who care enough to pay attention more than most. I hope that's you.

So there you have it. Welcome to Willskis Writes Things. If you like it, keep reading. I'm going to try my best to make it worth your while. If you don't like it, or me, or disagree with anything I say, feel free to never read it. I'll still be shouting at the Internet with or without you. Be sure to troll my page to show your contempt before you leave.

Peace and love,

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